The Essential Unity of the Father and the Son in Psalm 2

[Read Psalm 2]

The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed…

Ps 2:2

In this verse, there is an opposition of united forces: The wicked are united to one another in their common hatred of God and His Son Christ, and Christ and His Father are united. Throughout this psalm, there is a unity between the Father and the Son that makes up the very substance of the Holy Spirit’s revelation. Consider the ways in which Father and Son are united: (a.)in being the object of the natural man’s hatred (v.2), (b.)in their ruling authority over all men (v.3), and (c.)in being the proper object of worship (v.11). There are differences, however, between the Father and the Son that we must also take into consideration. For instance, the Father and Son are distinct from one another in that: (a.)the Father exalts Christ to King of kings and Lord of lords (v.6), and (b.)the Son, therefore, executes judgment on all men (vv.8-9), and (c.)the Son is specifically identified as the object of saving faith (v.12c).

So to add something more to what we have already stated, we would be remiss in not underscoring that because the Father and the Son are essentially united, it is not possible for one to bow to the Father except through the mediation of the Son. The Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit tells us, have “bonds” on the wicked; the two Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity, in this text, are shown to exercise Sovereign authority over all mankind. Therefore, it is impossible to disobey One Divine Person and claim to obey the Other. Those who do not worship the Son are rebelling against the Father’s clear command given to all men.


A New Blog, A Debate, Books, and A Book


Some time ago, I was invited to write for Apologist Michael Burgos’ Grassroots Apologetics blog. But I was so busy with preparing for the birth of my second son, writing for the CARM blog (which is temporarily on hiatus until further notice from the admin there), and working a 40 hour work week that I wasn’t able to write for the blog as much as I would have liked.

Since my schedule has been freed up somewhat, however, I’ve been able to write and study much more. I’ve posted things over at Grassroots Apologetics, and am busily whittling away the hours in quite a few books. AND I have my first  public moderated debate, so I’ve been very busy preparing for my interaction with my opponent.

Also I’ve put together a little book containing some articles from this blog, as well other blogs and my own personal stash on the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament.

Here’s the breakdown of what I’ve been up to:

Grassroots Apologetics

The Logical Necessity of the Deity of Christ Jesus (Pt.1)

The Logical Necessity of the Deity of Christ Jesus (Pt.2)

The Moral Superiority of “Overriding” “Freewill”

Other Articles

Reading List

The Doctrine of Endless Punishment – W.G.T. Shedd

The Institutes of the Christian Religion – John Calvin

God-Breathed: The Divine Inspiration of the Bible – Louis Gaussen

Holiness – J.C. Ryle

The City of God – St. Augustine


The debate will be with Chris Date, host of the Theopologetics podcast. We will be debating the nature of Hell, viz. “Is the punishment of hell the eternal torment of the damned, or their eternal extinction?” I will be arguing that Hell is the eternal torment of the damned (i.e. the traditional position).

You can get more details at his blog.

My Book

It’s really nothing special, just some reflections on the Old Testament’s germinal doctrine of the Trinity and the correlations it has to the New Testament’s full teaching on the matter.

It is title The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Old Testament. You can purchase it through Here is the link:

Until next week,

Soli. Deo. Gloria.